Saturday, March 12, 2050

Larouche Cult origins of the 911 Truth Movement

One of the earlier 911 conspiracy films is a good start to see the relationships at the root of the artificial 911 conspiracy cult culture:

911: The Greatest Lie Ever Sold

Year Released 
Running Time 
2 Hours 6 Minutes 
Director(s) Anthony J. Hilder Producer(s) Jeffery Friesen, Anthony J. Hilder, Victor Tory, Larry Shea 
Writer(s) Music Sir Evan Scott Narrator(s) Editor(s) Krett Gusaraki, Gary Hoffman 
Language English 
It’s not just about the murder of 3,000 people. It’s about Serial Killers in control of the U.S. Government. It’s about “CREATING” the JUSTIFICATION FOR WAR – AGAINST ISLAM. It’s about “SETTING THE STAGE” for WORLD GOVERNMENT – through WORLD WAR. It’s about opening fire upon millions of innocent people in their homes, villages and cities. It’s about the Transference of power from the People to the President, and the police. It’s about HIGH TREASON. It’s about the betrayal of every Nation and every person on Planet Earth. It’s about creating a NEO-NAZI “CASHIST SUPER STATE.” It’s about “the Plan” to reduce the population by 80%. It’s about “KILLING, CONTROLLING OR INCARCERATING” 4 out of 5 people – in the world. 911 – THE GREATEST LIE EVER SOLD is a film about madness, mayhem and mass murder. 911 is about the greatest “Con Job” the world has ever known. It’s about LIES, DECEPTION, CRIME, CORRUPTION, CRUELTY & THEFT as never before known in human history. It’s about Satanic Ceremonial Sacrifice. It’s about Torture. It’s about controlling the supply of Heroin. It’s about Oil. It’s about establishing a Luciferian NEW WORLD ORDER for “A THOUSAND POINTS OF LIGHT.” This film is about an Alliance of the Legitimate Left & Right coming together – exposing an Evilarchy, who rules from the Center. It’s about hope. Did Bush have prior knowledge about the attack? Yes! The president admitted he was watching television as the first plane hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center. But it wasn’t on Commercial TV. It was on “Closed Circuit CIA.” Were the Twin Towers imploded? Yes! It wasn’t by Arabs, but rather U.S. Agents who pulled the switch. Our film is about reality in the raw ferocious form. 

 Guest Commentators: Jack McLamb, Kenn Thomas, Jim Marrs, Gary Busey, Eric Hufschmid, John Buchanan, Erskne, Will Thomas, Michael Tsarian, Erika, Former Congressman William Dannemeyer, Congressman Butch Otter, Lyndon LaRouche, Phil Berg, Ellen Mariani, Carol Brouillet, Brian McCrae, Willis Carto, Daniel Hopsicker, Dr, Bruce Winslow, GAry Richard Arnold, Dr, Stanley Monteith, Ralph Epperson, Laura Burnett, Paul Borraccio, Larry Shea, Jeff Friesen, Virginia Price, Clay Douglas, Ingri Cassel, Ian Woods, Barrie Swicker, Simon Aronowitz, Michael Ruppert, more

Searching of many of these personalities will reveal long ties to destructive cults or violent patriot groups, often using the official Libertarian Party as a cover.  Willis Carto is a notorious anti Semite and Holocaust denier, with connections to Neo Nazis as well as David Duke and Ron Paul. Lyndon LaRouche, (with associate Phil Berg)  has a sordid history so long it is only dwarfed by the antics of Scientology.  Like Scientology, there are multiple websites to expose Larouche and his cult for the right wing Nazi friendly front it is:

It's very important to read this detail about Larouche's movement from that other wiki:  

Lyndon LaRouche and the LaRouche movement have expressed views on a wide variety of topics. The LaRouche movement is made up of activists who follow LaRouche's views.[1][2]

 "The LaRouche movement is made up of activists who follow LaRouche's views."
This is important to highlight because in less than a couple years, Larouche would be replaced in the 911 Truth scene by his long time right hand man Webster Tarpley.   This had to be a deliberate ploy to confuse potential recuits who might be turned off by the LaRouche brand.

Another thing to understand is the difference between Eyes Open and Eyes Closed conspiracy adherents.    In short, "Eyes Open" know it's a scam.  These are the handful of leaders who direct the propaganda and manipulate the Eyes Closed, people who have come to believe some or all of the conspiracy propaganda.   Many of these people started with questioning a valid political point, say the circumstances surrounding Guantanamo detainees.  They are approached at peace marches, rallies or online with people who appear to have answers and their frustration with the apparent dishonesty of credible sources(sometimes a valid complaint) makes the easy answers of a conspiracy inside the government very seductive.  Irresponsible, secretive political maneuvering shares the blame in creating a situation where, without any information, it's easy for people to think anything could be true and open to the idea the New World Order is planning to annihilate half the population.

Not everyone takes the bait, but those that do are given a soft sell version of what will become full blown Jew baiting in years or months, depending on the current Eyes Open agenda.   It doesn't matter where it begins, it alwayes ends in blaming the Jews.   A succinct summary at Rick Ross:,10501
 i think this group is a cult who has very agreeble info for collage aged teens and twentie somthings, stuff about conspiracies and corrupt gov. but as you get sucked further in the group the ideals and beliefs get more and more distorted from reality untill you are compitely unable to relate to the average joe because you beleive satanic beast rule the world and you cult needs to bring forth the armageddon to save humanity and impliment larouche as the president.... BEWARE OF THIS CULT,,,,,
 By that time the adherent either has left, or has been manipulated into compartmentalizing their experience by associating with a sub clique that pretends to not subscribe to the crazier aspects, but will network with people who do under the ruberick of "free speech".

Adherents may be radicalized by stage managed attacks from an outside group or a split group.  Such antics have a dual purpose: they "prove" there are agents in the ranks and the "gubmint" is out to get them, and the help bond the adherent emotionally to the group/subgroup.  Very rarely to adherents breakaway or "wake up" from their Eyes Closed stupor.  Those that do drift usually drift away and avoid confrontation because they realize how much they were deceived into sharing with the sleazy network.    Thus the Eyes Open faggots learn they can con people again and again and get away with it, leading to extreme delusional assumptions they can get away with anything.

Every once in a while the scammers are caught red handed and have to run away, abandoning their bewildered victims who are left with a stack of never answered questions.  Going back to the Larouche views, the risk of being caught selling conspiracy snake oil can be minimized by using a proxy(in Larouche's case, Tarpley), allies (Alex Jones) and setting up front groups.

The 9/11 Truth Movement is primarily a vehicle to push Larouche's theories on the September 11th attacks:  
LaRouche was the very first public figure to challenge the story that the 9/11 attacks were done by Bin Laden's Al Qaeda.
While interviewed by Dr. Jack Stockwell, he was commenting live during the attacks against the Twin Towers:
Stockwell: […]And that is that the Arabs don't have the ability to pull something of this level off. You feel pretty strongly about that?
LaRouche: I know that. I know the Arab governments. I've been talking to them directly or indirectly over some period. At least, the key ones. And they don't want this kind of thing. But I know who does want it.
Stockwell: Alright. Now, you were talking about possibly the idea of the Israeli government --
LaRouche: Or certain factions within it. 
LaRouche first called it a coup d'etat, an "inside job" with the help of the Israeli Mossad, and then blamed his "usual suspects", the Zionists:...
 LaRouche 9/11 Conspiracy Theory has also been relayed by an "ex-member"; Webster Tarpley (Website at

The 9/11 Truth Movement may also act as a vehicle to recruit potential voters for fringe Libertarian friendly candidates like Ron Paul, and a customer base to sell conspiracy crap to.

The radical far right is always looking for topical events to exploit.  Larouche is no different.   This was noted by others in the context of Larouchies trying to take over Leftist talking points, institutions and networks:
A number of the people already mentioned are associated with the thoroughly LaRouche- infiltrated Green Party. That infiltration is headed by none other than LaRouche ideologue and racist Lenora Fulani and her "psychotherapist" mentor and cult-leader Fred Newman. For more on LaRouche/Fulani/Newman log onto in particular

 Fulani, using the code word of "independent" politics, set up shop in the Independence Party through which she helped elect Michael Bloomberg twice. After she nauseated perhaps millions with her claim that Jews and masse are responsible for the murders of people of color, she got deposed by the IPNY, which only intensified her de facto takeover of the Green Party. That takeover was orchestrated by her henchpeople including "leftists" such as Paul Zulkowitz, Gerald Kann and George Tatevosyan , all of whom have been involved in criminal acts against me. All were involved in the succesfful effort to hand the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections to Cheney/Bush with their Nader candidacies. Fascists can only make political headway when social and economic conditions deteriorate as they inevitably do under right wing regimes such as Cheney/Bush. And so,  just like Adolf Hitler, they denounce the conservatives and split the left.
 It appears, Jason K. that LaRouche is getting his name mentioned elsewhere, e.g. by the super-wealthy blog queen Arianna Huffington. As you know, most people even somewhat into politics write LaRouche off as a crackpot out of the past. Indeed, his tables bursting with "anti-Bush" literature, all LaRouche-generated, are for the most part ignored. I am less concerned with the out-and-out LaRouche cultists who sit at those tables. I am much more concerned with LaRouche's insidious army of "left" fifth columnists, plenty of of whom occu- py positions of power in and with the Green Party. These fifth columnists include, aside from the racists Lenora Fulani and psycho-pychotherapist Fred Newman, Geoffrey Blank...

  Others in the LaRouche "left" iniltration include Paul Zulkowitz, Gerald Kann, George Tatevosyan, Frank Morales, Les Jamieson, Carl Rosenstein, Harvey New- man, Gary Phaneuf, Pete Dolack, and Frank Luck, some of these characters camouflaging themselves as "anarchists."  Perhaps the mpost dangerous LaRoiche infiltration, however, is in the from of one Charles Lenchner, a yarmulke-wearing thug-wannabe who, in his capacity as a Jonathan Tasini supporting official of something called the Progressive Democrats of America, physically pushed me around at a peace event during the Senate campaign, is trying to parasite his way into the John Edwards for President campaign. It is also important to note the no-chance-at-all so-called "peace" candidacy of Dennis Kucinich is, in the person of the autocratic pseudo-leftist Charlene Barker, a LaRouche "split the left" operation. Tom Weiss 1/19/07

during the anti war protests in the Bush's presidency:

 The movement (or movements) included an enormous variety of groups and individuals that could not be categorised as "left" in any conventional terms, who had a variety of reasons for opposition to the invasion of Afghanistan and later of Iraq. In addition to the many non-leftist Arabs and Muslims in the movement, there were also European nationalists uncomfortable with U.S. unilateralism (their numbers would greatly increase in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq). There was also an uneasy relationship with explicitly antisemitic groups who charged that the war was being waged on behalf of Israel; with the few, small right-wing anti-war groups; and with certain political fringe groups, such as the followers of Lyndon LaRouche.

This wasn't entirely unknown in progressive circles.  For instance in 2007 on a Green party list, someone tries to promote "truthaction", and is corrected on the list serve:

[discuss] Unite in Action for 9/11 Truth
John A. Murphy johnamurphy at
Fri Jul 6 11:04:41 PDT 2007
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Hi Steve,

You do of course realize that this so-called 9/11 truth business is nothing more than a LaRouche-Tarpley invented red herring to draw otherwise well intended antiwar activists away from the pressing issue of the day -- ending the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

On July 4 in Philadelphia there was antiwar convention held because of a suggestion by Cindy Sheehan.  The LaRouche-Tarpley people hijacked the convention and in about two hours over 50% of the group were gone. What might've turned out to be a very unifying event to end the war outside of the two-party system was completely destroyed by these 9/11 "twoofers".

Here is what's important to know about 9/11.

1.)  It happened.
2.)  It was used by the Bush administration as causus belli.
3.)  The official explanation is most likely incorrect
4.)  The details of the event are likely to go unknown for at least 200 years
5.)  The suggestion that this was a "false flag" event is part of the LaRouche-Tarpley fascist/conspiracy theory insanity

Let's hear no more of this crap.  This group is for SERIOUS matters!

In Solidarity,

   ----- Original Message -----
  From: SteveGeiger at
  To: pgp-discuss at
  Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 12:54 PM
  Subject: [discuss] Unite in Action for 9/11 Truth

  The Time is Now
  On the Eleventh Day of Every Month
  We Unite in Action for Truth

Some people might speculate the entire Truth Movement was one big distraction to derail the left, but that's implying agency and foresight not usually found in the far right.  Larouche and allies were as surprised as anyone at the sheer potential they had to benefit from the 9/11 attacks, their tired and worn police state the Jews rules the world fear mongering conspiracies being given a new lease on life, for as long as they could keep the con going.

But this time Larouche wouldn't do it alone.   The American Patriot Friends Network would act as a networking front, further blurring the source of the conspiracy propaganda and giving plausible deniability to people not so secretly working with racists and Neo Nazis:

Sunday, October 22, 2006

American Patriot Friends Network (APFN)

Who are they?

I have, for years, seen much material disseminated and picked up by APFN. At first I was a little apprehensive because of their use of the word patriot, because of the fact that most I have known that have used that word to describe themselves were pretty hung up on nationalism, guns, and whiteness.

Over the years, my opinion began to change and this had to do with the fact that they picked up some of my journalism and hosted it and this made me think, "They might be alright." Recently, however, someone on a mailing list that I belong to painted them with a brush of white power and I have to admit I was a bit taken aback by the mention of the name David Duke in conjunction with an email campaign that APFN seemed to be a part of. So, instead of jumping the gun in either direction, instead of leaping to conclusions about them or about the person that asserted that there was a strong element of racism to their outfit, I emailed them. I told them the situation and that the email was going out to a variety of people and that any answer to the charges levelled against them would be posted to exactly the same forums and individuals. I had special, personal concern over the fact that they host some of my material.

The first response was that readers needed to spend weeks poring over the gigs and gigs of materials that they hosted and find out for themselves. Their second response was an attachment of 500K of HTML, presumably that I and others might peruse it and make up our own minds. I was beginning to wonder, at this point, because I thought the charge serious enough to warrant a statement from these "patriots."

Then I got a third email asking which Eric Stewart I was. This I thought odd as they had hosted my materials for YEARS. I referred them to this blog, thinking it would prompt some memory. The response I got was, "So what is your problem?" It was becoming very obvious that they were avoiding answering the question. I could only surmise that they were afraid of making a statement because of an apprehension of alienating some sort of constituency.

 An astute observation.

There is a delicate balance Larouche drones and allies must do to not say anything explicitly anti Jewish(assuming they're still playing to a crowd of marks) and at the same time avoid denouncing  racism in a way racists, especially racist marks, don't take offense at.  Borderline comments will be hand-waved as "free speech", users calling to ban Anti Semites are dismissed as "drama".  Arguments on the list, real or stage managed, are used as "proof" the list is grassroots and tolerates dissenting opinion, equating racist propaganda with a difference of opinion.  This manipulative tactic is surprisingly effective with naive leftists too tolerant for their own good.

The listserve is hoping all the leftist subscribers who won't play ball will just leave quietly.  Ideally, they shouldn't have been invited in the first place.  But the fact of ultra right radical politics is, without periodically scamming leftists to carry water,  they don't have the raw numbers to carry a movement.  Only a handful of their own kids buy into their extremism.  They need fresh meat.  Expect the radical right to get more and more aggressive in the future as their numbers decline while at the same time the Internet offers more and more information for people to learn about them than ever before.

The September 11th attacks were a windfall for the radical right, providing fear based end times source material far beyond anything they could have imagined.     Larouche got the ball rolling, but by 2006 Alex Jones was expertly exploiting people..and their wallets... caught up in the "movement".  A new generation was convinced they were part of a 60's style Zeitgeist, only to be frustrated again and again when their "activism" led down dead ends.   Rhetoric aside, none of the Eyes Open "truth" leaders had any intentions of appealing to the mainstream, ie, actually changing the political landscape in real terms.   Adherents are encouraged to despise the mainstream media, or worse suspect "they" are in on it.  All theories are framed in extreme terms making the idea of working with the system impossible.  Instead organizers are encouraged to "hit the streets" and "spread the word".  911 truth "activism" resembled less a political force and more evangelicalism:  if enough people knew the Truth, people would "rise up" and over throw the "police state".

The "police state" as described doesn't exist.  It is a parody of the questionable militarization of many police departments across the as well as legislation(PATRIOT ACT)  that seems to support this generally unnecessary infrastructure.   The fact plenty of existing anti war groups had been challenging these trends is lost on "truth movement" adherents.  Nor did they take cues from effective political groups, instead substituting bellicose aggression guaranteeing their views would be further marginalized.

But that is exactly the result Larouche and other political cult leaders would prefer:  an army of supporters radicalized by rejection and so emotionally invested in the cult's propaganda, that, for all the talk of "sheeple"(people who refuse the cult world view), the adherents become "sheeple" themselves, rarely able to challenge the leadership or think outside the New World Order/Bilderberg paradigm they've been led down.  Everyone who disagrees is a Cointepro or disinfo agent.   The longer they stay involved, the more socially entwined and emotionally invested in the cult propaganda they become.  Even if they leave the "truth movement", they are likely to retain conspiracy influenced thought processes.

Those who start to have doubts after engaging in nasty cult tactics will find no support inside the organization and will be forced by their conscience to move on.  If their absence is explained, it will be in terms of "being gotten to" or "they were and agent all along".  The fate of Eyes Open scammers is  grim: once exposed they are exiled from normal mainstream culture, unless they completely repudiate and retract their behavior, which almost never happens.  Whatever grief they thought they were dealing out manipulating marks is dwarfed by the backlash of public opinion that they were manipulating people for Nazis in the first place.    One has only to look at a former Libertarian party luminary and closet Nazi to see this in action:

 According to an unsigned release circulating on the Internet, three bricks with "Shut David Irving Down" and "No Nazis" went through the windows of the MCL Cafeteria, which is said to have held regular gatherings of various local hate groups in the past, notably the Council of Conservative Citizens(CCC) and the pseudo-political party American Third Position. The release further notes that the resturant was booked by Matt Parrott of Carmel who head the white racist group Hoosier Nation and Janelle Antas of Indianapolis, a former Indiana Libertarian Party offical who has serves as Irving's personal assistant in the past.
Search for Janelle(Jaenelle) Antas' and her connections to Holocaust Deniers cover the first page of results. She knows this, but apparently thinks the sacrifice is worth it for the "cause":

 So please tell us Tristiana ?

Why do you continue to stay with this guy ? . . . bailing water on the Titanic, when it is perhaps time to either throw the captain overboard, or get on a lifeboat and head for a ship captained by someone who can navigate the icebergs
 I thought my question to you in response was clear enough.

Have you Googled me recently? The majority of employers Google prospective candidates. Do you think I'd even be granted an interview somewhere and a chance to dispel the libelous rumours that are floating around about me? In this economy, one should just be glad of having a job, especially someone like me who isn't likely to find another one even in a good economy. I have a killer resume, but at this point, I don't think it would matter what my skills and experiences are.

That said, despite David's flaws and the perils of working with him, I enjoy the autonomy and flexibility that I have. And while I don't really care about history, I am a big supporter of free speech and I would engage in free speech activism whether I was getting paid for it or not. I don't believe anybody should be silenced, no matter what their views are.

But if you have any suggestions as to how I can earn a decent living, I'm certainly willing to hear them
 Antas refuses to take responsibility, spinning her history of working with a Nazi as "libelous rumors".   Maybe she realized that wasn't going to wash.  Since then, word is she quit her job as Irving's assistant, married and moved to Australia. Thus ends the career of an Eyes Open conspiracy conartist. 

[under construction]

, and therefore still be a potential commercial resource for the organizers who have their hands in all sorts of conspiracy pots.

[under construction]

  It would also act as a way to share information quickly with various co travellers, ie, people who stood to benefit from the 911 cult propaganda:  Alex Jones, David Icke, etc.

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