Started as a personal blog by DZ, the website morphed into a multi-user platform where literally anybody could publish "news" about the OMG INSIDE JOB. In fairness, DZ tried to discourage the most extreme shit, but, either due to private concern trolling or a misguided attachment to "free speech", 9/11 Blogger continued to host questionable content for years from racists, cultists and what can only be called the battiest of batshit loons.
Eventually tired of running an online kindergarden for escaped mental patients, DZ turned over the website to "reprehensor" aka Allan Giles, a newfag who thought all he had to do was kick the weirdos out and it would be smooth sailing.
Of course the weirdos reacted with outrage and butthurt, screaming about free speech and the CONSTITUTION and LIBERTY as faithful little tea fags are wont to do. The website leading the charge against "reprehensor" was the Rock Creek Free Press, run by Matt Sullivan, often used pimping Larouchie leader Tarpley's bizarre theories about Obama. The unsigned article with so called "proof" of agents at
This was spammed over the Internet for much drama over OMG HAVE THE ZIONIST COINTELPRO JEWS TAKEN OVER 911BLOGGER. After a couple years Giles realized every other faggot around him was a Nazi apologist and threw in the towel. Then the reigns were taken up by Justin Keogh.
Justin Keogh is, to put it nicely, a gullible faggot. After months interning at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth offices, dusting off Richard Gage's awards, Keogh was rewarded with managing the ae911truth website. Keogh is too stupid to see he's helping master con artist Gage save money; why hire a webmaster when he can have a fanboi do it for free?
Keogh co runs the 911blogger website with four other conspiracy morons: Orangutan., LeftWright, Victronix, Simuvac:
Orangutan aka Ted Tilton Jr, is probably the real power behind the 9/11 blogger throne. He's been a website regular since 2006. While his posts are generally reasonable on the site, his emails on list serves show alarming sympathies with Jew haters and the LaRouche cult, with images embedded from Nazi friendly
Here is some more information when considering the current history of our country...
Re 911 knowledge
Posted By: Sun Dec 24, 2006 10:32 am
Israel's awareness of the events has been a hot button from the very beginning. The focus centers on the dancing Israeli film crew who was set up across the river to film the whole event as it unfolded that morning in September of 2001.Think you will find this article of interest. It is the harshest commentary on Israeli involvement I've seen thus far, but it is the first time I've read about those five people who were arrested and then released in New York being on a talk show.The Likud Criminal Gang
Behind 911 &
The 'War On Terror'
By Christopher Bollyn
- Ehud Olmert and the criminal gang behind the Likud party in Israel are directly implicated in 9/11 and the subsequent so-called "war on terror."
- This is not an opinion - this is what the evidence reveals:
- See "The Israeli Prime Minister's Connection to 9/11"
Three of the five "dancing Israelis" appeared on an Israeli television show to explain that they were sent to document the event. Here is an excerpt of them:
2.4 mb
The Zionists justify their knowledge of the attack by claiming they had followed the Arab terrorists and discovered their dastardly plans.
The Zionists claim to have warned a few government employees of the upcoming attack, but they never bothered to tell their friends in the news organizations.
The far right Likud party of Israel grew out of the Zionist terrorist gang known as the IRGUN - a fascist organization created by Vladimir Jabotinsky of Odessa. This is the same terror gang that blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem and committed terrorist acts across Palestine and beyond in the 1930s and 40s.
Terrorism, particularly "false-flag" terror in which the blame for a terror attack is wrongly assigned to the enemy, is a strategy and tactic developed and perfected by the Zionists.
The so-called "war on terror" is also a Zionist construct first articulated by Benjamin Netanyahu in the early 1980s. There was a earlier concept developed in Israel called "TNT" which stood for the Hebrew "Terror Neged Terror" or "terror against terror."
The blueprint for the "war on terror" is found in Netanyahu's 1986 book "Terrorism: How the West Can Win." In his speeches and writings, Netanyahu, whose father was the secretary for Vladimir Jabotinsky, and a leader in his New Zionist Organization, promotes the "war on terror" to be waged against Israel's enemies.
The evidence and the motivation for 9/11 all point to the criminal Likud party and their hard-core Zionist supporters in the United States, Britain, Canada, and Australia.
It should be obvious that people like Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, and Shimon Peres were involved at the architectural level in the planning of 9/11 in order to bring the United States military into a shooting war in the Middle East.
The same Zionist gangsters who support the Likud also support the Republican Party. Lewis Eisenberg, Ronald Lauder, and Steven L. Friedman are among the U.S. based Zionists that are deeply involved in the attacks of 9/11.
See: A Bigger Scandal: Illegal U.S. Funding of Sharon's Likud
When looking at the terror attacks of 9/11, one should ask more than "Cui bono?" It should also be asked: "Who else?"
Who else could have done it? Who else would want to do it? Who else has any reason to do it?
These Zionist leaders are more than war criminals - they are a threat to all of humanity. They must to be stopped, for our sake and the sake of the peace of the world.
The Zionists are not the pious, peaceloving, religious people they claim to be. Rather, they are a treacherous, deceptive, and abusive criminal gang.
- Wow. Linking to a Holocaust Denier AND the Larouche Cult in one post. So much fail at one time.
- Tilton's retarded post is called out at once :
Some readers might wonder if Tilton was just a gullible faggot himself, repeating whatever conspiracy bullshit showed up in his mail box. But if he visited the links he knew who he was supporting: even in 2006 Larouche and Christophet Bollyn were known to be Jew hating, cult nut cases:
Dear Ted Tilton,
While I, as a Jew, am deeply upset by Israel's recent aggressions against
innocent Palestinians, the article you have forwarded to our listserve, by
Christopher Bollyn, is downright alarming. Finding fault with Israel's policies
is one thing -- and is fair game. However, damning the Zionist movement and
insinuating that it is some worldwide evil cabal, as Bollyn has done in this and
other articles he's written, is right out of the playbook of the the most
virulent and hate-mongering anti-Semites of our age, including the authors of
the infamous "Protocols of Zion".
There are many legitimate voices rightfully criticizing Israel's current
leadership. Bollyn's is not one of them.
Wishing everyone happy holidays,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted Tilton Jr." laketilton@...>
Date: Monday, December 25, 2006 12:40 pm
Subject: [DemocracyforWisconsin] Re 911 knowledge
> Here is some more information when considering the current history of
> our country...
Bollyn up to his neck in Patriot teafag lunacy:
"One of the newspaper's ex-contract reporters, Christopher Bollyn, is sometimes cited for his reporting in the 9/11 Truth Movement."admittedly Bollyn left the Patriot Fags, but why isn't clear:
Added ADL statement and link, corrected article to read "ex-contract reporter" for Bollyn (the association was terminated in fall of 2006), and added "AFP". —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 19:50, 4 January 2007 (UTC).More at talk page:
With gems like :
Actually, Chris Bollyn wrote an article that was featured in the film Loose Change which claims that the engines found at the Pentagon were not the right kind of engines. His "evidence" is that he called a factory which does not make the engines in question and asked someone there if he was familiar with the engines shown at the crash site. He was not. Chris has also claimed that an editor at Popular Mechanics- a magazine that has written extensively on why 911 conspiracy theories are dead wrong- is related to the director of Homeland Security. His "evidence" there is that they have the same last name, Chertoff, so he called the Popular Mechanics Chertoff's mother and asked if they were related. Her answer of "they may be distant cousins" was turned into they ARE cousins. AFP is a conspiracy theory paper and conspiracy theories are silly. That is a fact. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:44, 3 May 2010 (UTC)Ha ha ha.
Larouche is his own planet crazy:
Again something that could be found online in 2006, if someone really cared to check their sources.
So WTF does Tilton say to Cynthia? Not a damn thing. Hit and run cult spammer. But the list seems to tolerate cultists. Another Larouche link:
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Lyndon LaRouche PAC
P.O. BOX 6157
www.larouchepac.comExecutive Inteligence Review (EIR) Counterintelligence Editor Michele Steinberg has written on article on the short-term prospects for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney. Given Cheney's continued drumbeat for a new war against Iran and his dismissal of the Constitutional role of Congress in a CNN interview, Steinberg makes clear in her article that the stakes are nothing less than "a matter of the national interest." 'Perfect Storm' Is Rising To Oust Dick Cheney< /font>
Tilton also supported some Paultard inspired End the FED Teafaggotry:
Audit the Fed Now< Prev Next >
Posted By:laketiltonMon
May 3, 2010 4:55 pm
We're closer than ever to true transparency for the Federal Reserve. Senators on the left and the right are pushing for the Federal Reserve Transparency Amendment to the financial reform package. If passed, we will finally know to whom the Fed lent trillions of dollars of our money. We'll know who got it, how much and what little we got in return. If it fails, the Fed can continue to make sweetheart loans to whomever it wants, without telling Congress or the American people. It's that simple.There's momentum for this bipartisan amendment, but, we must act now to ramp up the pressure on the Senate NOW. The Senate is set to vote on this amendment any day now. I've contacted my Senators to encourage them to cosponsor and vote for this critical amendment. I encourage you to do the same. Visit and speak out now.
While Tilton painfully apes a liberal facade on his list, (his last post plugging marijuana legalization)
the 9/11 blogger website has become host to blogs pushing:
White Supremacist candidates:
Sandy Hook Conspiracies:
going so far as to push the Sandy Hook Hoax truther videos personally:
And Tilton is happy these retarded videos have gone viral, implying sympathies with the racist gun nuts who are pushing this garbage:
Quote: and that says a lot of good about the public's willingness to finally be skeptical of what the gov't and mainstream media is telling us.The Huffington Post decides to weigh in...
The Huffington Post weighs in on the issue.
It was the 2nd most popular story on that site when I saw it. This video is going viral as they say and that says a lot of good about the public's willingness to finally be skeptical of what the gov't and mainstream media is telling us. That's the only way I am seeing it. Peace.Orangutan. on Thu, 01/17/2013 - 6:32pm.
Actually all it says is how vast right wing noise machines like American Patriot Friend's Network is, and how fast the conspiracy bullshit can spread through it. The only people favoriting these videos are brainwashed Teafag loons like Tilton.
Leftwright aka John Wright: also a long time website contributor. Active in something called
SF Truth Action on meetup. Wright's profile clearly shows a disconnect with reality:
I'm very active doing public outreach for 9/11 truth and work with the NorCal9/11 Truth Alliance as well as re-starting a Marin group. I've been meaning to look into doing a meet-up and am delighted to see that someone already has. Let's do it!Additional Information
"Educate, Motivate, Activate! This is where we need to be, out in public spreading the truth. I just got back from a 12 day truthing roadtrip through the Pacific NW supporting the Dr. Griffin events. The pic is me with DRG in Seattle."
Wright walks his talk, an example of his 'camaraderie' in his avatar image, arm in arm with a guy called David Ray Griffin:What JohnW is saying about this Meetup Group
Anyone interested in doing Saturday public outreach will find this a very good group to work with. This is a very friendly and knowledgeable group that works well together and we will enjoy welcoming many more people to this very active public outreach team. We have plenty more beautiful "9-11 Truth for Peace dove" t-shirts in a variety of colors and sizes, so come out and join us, get a shirt and get active! If you're not really a "street action" activist kind of person, you can still support this group by finding and/or creating some new literature for us to pass out and we can come and get it. But I think most people, once they get out and try it, will find that they enjoy it as much as the rest of us do, the camaraderie is great!
At that other Wiki anyone can learn about this aging theologian:
Much work has been done by enemies of the lulz deleting evidence of Griffin's connections to white power radio:
And unsurprisingly Christopher Bollyn:
And that's what Wright's buddy does as a hobby.
[Moron DRG here]
Wright is also part of something called the "Love Police",
I am a 9/11 truth activist and work with the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance,, and I live twelve miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge.What made you interested in our group?
I know some of the other members of this group and enjoy working with them.
What are some of your core beliefs?
I believe in the rule of law. I believe that we need to restore the U.S. Constitution and reclaim our republic. I believe that we need to close down the privately controlled Federal Reserve Banking system and return to a sound money policy.
This group become some of the worst examples of fail when it's founder, a clown called Charlie Veitch claimed to be the leader of Anonymous. Then he started believing his bullshit:
Veitch is just a conartist looking for others to pay his bills. After claiming to renounce conspiracy faggotry:
he's back asking for another tin foil hand out:
Published on Jan 27, 2013
Hey everyone,
It's been an amazing 3 years and a massive thank you to everyone who has donated and allowed these resistance films to keep going!
I believe that all art should be free - which is why I support the free-web and torrenting and open source software - and so if you are able to spare a few pennies please throw them into my rattling tin can!
Many thanks again and I look forward to making loads of insightful films for you all.
Charlie Veitch
Wright's last known conspiracy activity was a radio show:
John W. Wright of Marin County, CA to be interviewed on Tulsa OK morning show - Tomorrow morning
From: JohnW Sent on: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 4:55 PM
No need to get up with me at 5:55 am PST tomorrow, the show should be archived.
911blogger was contacted by The Big Mad Morning Show at KTBT in Tulsa, OK about providing someone for an interview.
I opened a dialogue with the contact and they seem interested in having me on the show (they are very curious about false flag events, they had not heard of the term before, or so they say).
I just confirmed my interview a few minutes ago.
Any and all advice for the show would be welcome.
If anyone wants to listen to some of the archives of the Big Mad Morning Show and give me a heads up to what these folks are about, that would be helpful. I probably will a bit myself, but I am doing three other things right now, too, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Advice? Don't quit your day job at the ashram.
Victronix aka Victoria Ashley: a conspiracy chick supposedly into debunking hoaxes, but actually is only interested in debunking hoaxes she doesn't like.
For instance, she had no problem seeing through the Citizen Investigation Team Pentagon conspiracy:
There's even a lulzy pic to go with it:To Con a Movement:
Exposing CIT's PentaCon
'Magic Show'
Victoria Ashley
Version 1.1, Aug 1, 2009
Version 1.0, July 26, 2009
found at this blog |
Perpetual Motion has been denounced soundly by the scientific community as a hoax. At the best people who insist it's true are deluded:
At worst they are scammers.
Even in 1920 they knew it was bullshit:
Steven Jones claims to have a degree in physics. Yet he deluded himself into thinking he'd found "over unity" in mid 2011:
One comment cuts through the horse pucky:
He announced his so called findings on the website:
Mostly to positive feedback from people who just got back from buying their own personal bridge.
This scammer Ashley will defend to the death, making the most ridiculous excuses on one forum:
Thu May 19, 2011 2:15 am Post subject: Reply with quote
I'd hate to see him or his work harmed by any of this.
In the eyes of whom?
The debunkers (all 10 of them and their army of 12 yr old minions)?
99.9999% of the public is not on the forums and have never heard of any of what is being debated here.
So what's left are movement supporters. Seems everything is directed at turning movement leaders and supporters one way or another lately.
Even if Steve were investigating the idea that politicians might be reptiles from another planet, he is ultimately a scientist -- has been for his entire career -- and he would conduct an experiment and discover that the hypothesis had no basis, and move on. He doesn't just make fantastic assumptions and then publish them on a blog and say "it must be that way!" (ala David Griscom). Steve conducts research.
Steve isn't afraid to look. We shouldn't be afraid to let him look.
Fri May 20, 2011 12:35 amSo in Ashley's head, you can pursue any crazy theory, as long as you do experiments. And Nazi doctors everywhere rejoiced!
Show me where he makes a claim that something is proven that he has not done any experiment on.
One user writes:
Victronix has a lot invested in Dr. Jones, and it's unreasonable to expect her to turn on a dime.Too bad she made a habit of screaming hoax every time she sees a conspiracy she doesn't like. She doesn't even have to think about it. All she has to do is read the wikipedia page:
Perpetual motion describes "motion that continues indefinitely without any external source of energy; impossible in practice because of friction."[2] It can also be described as "the motion of a hypothetical machine which, once activated, would run forever unless subject to an external force or to wear".[3] There is a scientific consensus that perpetual motion in an isolated system would violate the first and/or second law of thermodynamics.The science no werkz, biatches.
Jones must have realized this because he published a clarification non-clarification on 911blogger:
During my career as a physicist, I have done research on muon-catalyzed fusion and metal-catalyzed fusion (both of which are examples of cold fusion and are published in the journal NATURE), on the dust generated on 9/11, on solar energy and non-conventional alternate energy; and on earthquakes. I have and will speak publicly on all of these research areas, except that I decline to say much at all publicly on earthquake research. Recently I was asked why this is the case....It's another wall of text, followed by comments which show just who has been sipping the Kool-aid and who has been kegger chugging it. Jones passive aggressively drops someone's dox; Ashley removes it and this still doesn't sway her hero worship:
Months later Ashley has the nerve to complain about more OMG HOAXES:Thanks
Thanks for the positive and level-headed responses to this thread.
Steve is a very unique person who has greatly benefited the scientific understanding of the 9/11 attack. 99.9% of the world doesn't even know that yet, but in time, they will. I expect he will continue to contribute to exposing unseen evidence, or refuting false claims, in all of his work, where ever he takes it.Victronix on Fri, 06/03/2011 - 3:09pm.
Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:23 pm Post subject: Reply with quoteAs sad as all this is, Ashley's worst connections seem to be a cluster of Nazi troofers in the Pacific Northwest.
BTW, has anyone seen any coverage of the Toronto hoax event? Maybe Barbara participated. I haven't seen anything post-event, only pre-.
Several threads at the truthaction forum Ashley participated in alluded to the Washinton/Oregon 911 "truth" scene:
How can Judy Wood have a tour?
PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 10:19 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
I heard that PDX people are working on a bill for a new investigation based on JW claims.
Is the Oregon Truth Alliance Grassroots or Astroturf?
Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:08 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Dick Eastman is a long term disruptor and has been around since the days of Webfairy. He is an anti-semite whose main contribution was to "catch" the sane people who decided they were pretty sure a missile didn't hit the Pentagon and ensnare them with his "Killer Jet" theory -
"The theory's postulated overflight of the Pentagon by Flight 77 strikes many -- especially people familiar with the geography of the area -- as absurd. Vocally promoted only by Eastman, it has remained relatively sidelined."
This was the basis for the film, the Pentacon, the hoax claim that the plane flew over the building and "no one noticed."
Ashley says: "Dick Eastman is a long term disruptor and has been around since the days of Webfairy. He is an anti-semite". Ashley contributes again in this thread, where the subject is antisemites:
where a fellow fan of Jones is interviewed by Conspiracy Holocaust denier Kevin Barrett:
--Kevin Barrett, 7/24/08
* * *
Hi Kevin,
I think I want to keep my biographical information pretty concise. I'm a lifelong Portlander, a graduate of Reed College and a master's degree candidate in Applied Linguistics at Portland State. Prior to stumbling upon Dr. Steven Jones' paper in early 2006, I really didn't have an opinion about 9/11. I'd been given a few Deception Dollars over the years and they never piqued my curiosity. Having come of age during the Iran-Contra scandal, I found it easy to believe the US government was complicit and difficult to muster up the energy to care.
This Portland chick also appears to be a Holocaust denier:
I want to be very careful in addressing the Holocaust Revision pretext for my banning at 911blogger. I don't consider myself a Holocaust Revisionist in the sense that I would reserve that term for serious historians, and I certainly have not put anywhere near the amount of time into researching WWII that I have into examining 9/11. On the other hand, I see a clear responsibility to support the work of serious historians such as David Cole.David Cole? This David Cole? Shut up, Nazi bitch. So when Ashley next weighs in, it's to post a cutesie blurb:
Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:04 am Post subject: Reply with quoteWhat Ashley doesn't add is she was personally in contact with a 9/11 group in Portland that has since been exposed as a front for antisemitism:
A large promotional section has been added to Barrett's wiki page which should be edited --
Last edited by victronix01 on Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Portland 9/11 Truth Alliance, Tim Calvert, Antisemitism and the Extreme-Right:A Chronology
This chronology was last updated September 17, 2012.
Mid-2000s until July 2009 (Calvert’s departure from Laughing Horse Book Collective)
Calvert is increasingly upfront about his anti-Jewish conspiracy theory views within theLaughing Horse Book Collective. Calvert advocates that Laughing Horse stock conspiracy bookssuch as those by David Icke, an author who promotes the Protocols of the Elders of Zionantisemitic forgery. Visitors to Laughing Horse while Calvert is on shift frequently hearCalvert’s rants about “Zionist” media control. The Laughing Horse collective clarify thatHolocaust-denial or minimization of the Holocaust are both against their anti-oppression “saferspace” policy in response to other comments made by Calvert within the bookstore space. WhenCalvert is confronted about some of these issues within the Laughing Horse Collective, Calvertrefers his critics to the antisemitic website for articles backing up what he has to say.
During this same period, Tim Calvert befriends Rod McLaughlin (AKA “Jay Knott”), aformer ultra-leftist who from 2004 onwards explicitly embraced antisemitism. During the sametime that McLaughlin’s political association with Tim Calvert deepens, McLaughlin also ends uptaking over webmaster responsibilities for the Pacifica Forum in Eugene, Oregon. The PacificaForum was an organization which hosted a large number of high-profile antisemitic, whitesupremacist and Holocaust-denial speakers on the University of Oregon campus until theUniversity changed its facility use policy. Some examples of those who gave presentations at thePacifica Forum include Holocaust-denier David Irving, Mark Weber of the Institute forHistorical Review (another key Holocaust-denial activist), white nationalist Tomislav Sunic,racist and antisemite Valdas Anelauskas, and Jimmy Marr of the National Socialist Movement.Ashley was in contact with members of what would be called the Portland 9/11 Truth Alliance all the way back in 2002, where she shared her wall of text email:
Antisemites are like hoaxes to Ashley: most are bad, except the ones she likes.12.Aug.2002 01:15THE ANNOUNCEMENT stuff got done in Summary.
refocus for 7pm tue eve bush meeting 3534 se main
This is a general community meeting in preparation for wed evening meeting which will be limited to one representative per "affinity group". How many representatives are sent from tue meeting will depend on how wide a cross section of agitprop community attends. For sure there will be one rep from Portland Peaceful Response Coalition, subject to pprc points of unity and guidelines, and one rep not subject to those constraints. Lots of iced lemonade for everybody regardless.
. . . Everybody Everywhere <> has received messages from Tom Calvert and Victoria Ashley that contain stuff we need to include - and keep us grinning while we do it:
. . .
. . . "Tim Calvert" <> with demonstration suggestions:
. . .
HAVING PARTICIPATED in many of the Bush/Quail and now Bush/Cheaney protests I just want to put out this feed back because I doubt I can make the meetings.
. . . Please have a subcommittee produce a lot of signs for all the naffiliated protestors who show up but just stand around in street clothes, their opposition silienced for want of a sign.
. . . Please encourage people to come on bikes. Bikes allow the protestors to be more mobile than the cops and the Bush handlers. By easily circling the event they will be less likely to isolate the protest, and our chances of getting in the media increase.
. . . Let us vent our anger at the Republican donors and Bush himself, not the cops; they are not the heart of the problem.
. . .
. . . "victoria ashley" <> with some ideas from SF Cheney protest - ideas for Baby Bush actions
. . .
REMEMBER that protestors will be contained in a pen.
. . . Our fake Cheney and his clan were allowed to roam freely and occassionally
lead a troupe of protestors around the outside of the hotel. So if there's
a way to have a 'moving' protest, that's an idea.
. . . Next - our local group the IAC brought the mic so they spent a lot of
the important chanting time making announcements for their events - do not get
sidetracked with that stuff, keep the focus. This isn't about Mumia and selling socialist newspapers - this is life and death for a lot of people all around the world. DO NOT LOSE FOCUS! KEEP CHANTING and have a couple of designated chant leaders. Only one person brought a table but you should definately bring some and keep them further away so they don't clog the protest area. You could oncentrate some handouts there.
. . . A critical part of this type of protest is the loudness of the chanting -
your loudness will draw more people and if possible, reach the people on the
. . . Next - you'll get a LOT of people you've *never* seen at a protest and
they'll need handouts for local group's info so they can keep on coming
out and demonstrating - bring lots of literature. Ours dissapeared right away.
. . . This isn't the local choir. I made stickers and then just left them around for people to put on - they also dissapeared and were distributed.
. . . Bring a *ton* of noisemakers of any kind - all the people who have never
been at a demo won't think to bring stuff and will like to make noise.
If you know of a local marching band who would like to make noise...
. . . Chalk. Paint bombs. Stickers. Am I forgetting anything?
. . . As I've mentioned before in another email to someone up there, I urge
you to BURN SOMETHING - a mock 'Patriot Act' (maybe a big foam core one), an
effigy, a photo, many photos . . . media likes flames and smoke. One thing we hadn't thought of - look for a way to get a huge banner hung outside the window of any tall buildings. Remember that while local media may have decent coverage, international media will *only* cover unexpected things - burnings, heckling on camera, knocking over the police barricades. Maybe someone could lob a small paint bomb at the building.
. . . Large numbers of arrests really don't count for much anymore. In SF blocking traffic for an hour at the federal building (even with wheelchair
arrests!) doesn't get 30 sec on the evening news. Knocking over the barriers and approaching the cop line may get covered nationwide, as it did in Halifax.
We had lots of fake money and threw it everywhere. At least one of our hecklers got knocked off her chair by a fellow patriot who attempted to strangle her. . . . Hecklers are heros and can get some shit for their courage. Also, the counter demo will be small but vicious and insane. In ours the cops moved them to a far corner after they got out of hand. I was told that in Sacramento the cops let in the counter demonstrators and the flag wavers, but kept real protestors far away - I'd suggest having a large fake contingent ready to shed yuppie coverings and hold up the real signs in the midst of the patriots. If they're outnumbered, though, they may take beatings and media would love to cover that - it may not be good if you don't have numbers. If you had at least 100 people willing to bring a fake sign (maybe the real sign underneath) and cheap flag to discard, it could work, but it depends on the number of conservatives you guys have up there. They may be too scared to come out in significant numbers if there's a lot of scary media ahead of time. But maybe feds pay people to come to these, who knows.
. . . Lots of nutcases on hand, but they always hold a sign or at least an
earth flag! It's scary to be in the midst of the feds, and you spend half your time in the days before hand worrying if they're bugging or spying on or
infiltrating everything....but in the end you realize - "What was I so scared of?"
. . . We did have one guy show up - a loud assholeish guy who 'wanted
to get to know' everyone, was asking everyone's names, etc., explaining
how he had just heard about the protest and had to come over from the hotel
he was at, etc. Who knows? Give a fake name if people you don't know ask.
. . . But the local cops were the ones really shitting themselves when cars got
through, or people didn't listen. They've got incredible pressure on them not to screw up. Our local paper the Examiner mentioned the pressure they were feeling in one of its articles beforehand. They were mostly on our side but will be looking to do mass arrests.
. . . I might be wrong, but I'd say forget about numbers and go for *quality* - meaning uniqueness and unexpectedness. These days in the Bay Area, arrests at various events (Livermore Lab, hotel workers strike, etc.) are happening every other weekend involving 50, 60 people at a time. There's local coverage, but
not much else.
. . . Remember the 'penned-in' aspect - decide who will push over those police
barriers and be courageous.
. . .Our demo was basically an audience who got entertained by the fake Mime Troupe Cheney and did some chants but engaged in NO cd (except the hecklers). . . . Although that kept it fun and safe for the protestors, that's not what this is about, as far as I'm concerned. People who you would never expect will be willing to get arrested, and you find that out too late.
. . . But I know it can be good! You guys have some time to prepare. Just
don't get scared - this is an adminstration that - as Deniis Kucinich (D-Ohio)
said - "has no idea of what they're doing." Nonetheless, if it were me (and
I didn't want to get ID'd) I'd bring the ol' bandana, since the latest tool appears to be videoing people.
. . . We didn't have that at all - at least not openly - at Cheney, but I've seen that almost everywhere else (Ottawa, Livermore, etc.), so I'm guessing they're someplace.
Good Luck!
Oaktown, CA
To know how truly messed up this is, learn more about her pen pals:
Tim Calvert:
Glen Owen:
Ashley, closet Nazi Chick or Conspiracy idiot? You decide.
Simuvac: No one knows who the fuck this faggot is.... yet. But if he/she continues to mod a cult and racist friendly website, someone will find out.
911blogger started out as one guy personal conspiracy ramblings. Then it was joined by other conspiracy ramblings. Some ramblings were so far out there, they can only be explained as an attempt to coopt the website as a platform for cult and antisemite propaganda.
Years later, having either driven off the non-Nazi "truthers" and brainwashed the rest into tolerating Nazis, cultists and scammers in the spirit of "free speech", the website is finally the Anti Semite friendly Shangri La that we see today. The owner has swallowed a bottle of Red Pills with his Kool-aid, and his moderators are all Fascist friendly and have been for years.
Welcome to! Neo-Nazis and Cultists Now Welcome!