What Really Happened dot com is one of these websites. A hard right wing, pro militia website before 9/11, after the 9/11 attacks it embraced "The Jews" as the source of all evil. It's Jews, Jews, Jews propaganda is bad enough, but their real failure, being a money making mark honey pot, was exposed as early as 2002 at San Francisco Indymedia:
A Conspiracy about a Conspiracy
by skunkworks Tuesday December 10, 2002 at 10:46 AM
S. Boyle claims that whatreallyhappens.com is not what it appears to beWhat Really Happens at whatreallyhappened.com?
The role of the conspiracy theorist is not to provide answers but to raise the questions not being asked - to sniff out suspicious patterns and duplicitous sources. Casting a critical eye at mainstream media is but one necessary task, casting a critical eye at self-proclaimed independent media is another - after all, conspiracies don't conveniently end at corporate boundaries.
One independent website of note, whatreallyhappened.com, is widely referenced by conspiracy theorists the world over. Yet for a website dedicated to exposing hidden truths, there is a suspicious lack of information about those who support the enterprise. Only the editorial commentator Michael Rivero is a public identified participant, as referenced by a couple links to off-site interviews (home page, bottom left corner).
While it is true that Michael Rivero's has been published numerous times on well-established sites like Rense, the Yellow Times, and the World Net Daily, strangely his interviews were conducted by two obscure websites, GoOff! and BankIndex. This peculiar choice of "media outlets" as a promotional tool deserved a closer look.
The GoOff.com interview: GoOff! is backed by Dandelion Books, LLC, who happens to be the publisher of Michael Rivero's soon to be released hard-back, Cyber Soldiers And Silicon Patriots: The New Face Of Political Dissent ( ISBN189330230X - $18.95). GoOff! purports to tell the "...truth uncensored" - conveniently packaged as Dandelion books, advertised on-site, and available for purchase or redistribution through their affiliate program. Overseeing the entire operation is a group named PMC4, LLC.
The BankIndex interview: Conducted by J. Conti (who also writes for GoOff.com) the interview comprises of three parts, between advertisements for loans, foreclosure notices, debt consolidations, and credit cards offers endorsed by BankIndex. The site also "provides a global platform upon which the Financial Businesses of the world can showcase their product lines and services" and "for select Financial Institutions we offer a highly competitive fee structure to be included in our different promotional plans 'Showcase' arena." It just so happens that BankIndex is a division of PMC4, LLC.
So why would Michael Rivero, an avowed anti-globalist, anti-corporate champion of the truth be working for (or very closely with) a corporate operation like PMC4, LLC? Perhaps it's better to ask what is the nature of Aventura, Florida corporation's business; "From web hosting to options to mutli-faceted revenue generation strategies, PMC4, LLC offers a variety of services and solutions intended to optimize your path to profitability." Their objective is to specialize "in assisting small to medium sized businesses as well as Fortune 100 companies whose presence on the Internet is more than ancillary to their core business."
The "About Us" section reveals five key figures behind the PMC4 corporate structure: James P. Garib, founder of an Intellectual property development firm; Peter Sordjan, a technology-focused financial entrepreneur; Ruben D. Lupulescu, a former computer engineer for Hughes Electronics and DirectTV Latin America; Lawrence D. Kruguer, a seasoned marketing VP for fat-cats like American Express, SportsLine, and Alamo Rent-a-Car; and Rico M. Sogocio, attorney and former member of the United States Department of Justice.
As you might have guessed, the aforementioned Dandelion Books belongs to the family of PMC4 holdings. Presided by Carol Adler, an experienced ghostwriter specializing in Christian and family writing, conspiracies form the staple product of this publisher. Carol Adler's duties including writing reviews of her products as evidenced in this piece that appeared on Rense (Gordon Thomas's book about Chinese plans to attack the U.S. via Canada).
To bring the focus back on Michael Rivero, we find that he is "a twenty-year veteran in all aspects of TV and feature film production with an emphasis in film effects and computer animation. He is a co-founder and producer at Home Baked Music, a Hawaii-based production company." His credits include: "director of film projects for Robert Abel & Associates, where he was responsible for animation and computer graphics, and optical processing. Prior to Abel, he was employed by Hanna Barbera Productions as a computer graphics engineer and helped create various innovative strides in animation. Mr. Rivero was also on the feature film staff of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and through his career has assisted and been involved with feature films and television shows such as "Valley of the Dolls" (M-O-W), "Star Trek" (the motion picture), and NBC's "Amazing Stories" (series), among many others. Mr. Rivero's awards credits include gold, silver, and bronze medals from the New York International Film Festivals, two Clios in graphics, the Cable Car award at the San Francisco Film Festival, an Emmy nomination, and gold & silver Hugos"
As for his writing credentials, to prove to be less stellar. For example, Michael Rivero's challenge of Vincent Foster's suicide, as documented by Dan E. Moldea's published research, was never satisfactorily resolved:
"In a Free Republic post at 16:55:55 PST on 12/31/2000, professional conspiracy theorist and Clinton-hater Michael Rivero made a series of false and misleading claims about my honest, wholly-responsible, and well-researched 1998 book, A Washington Tragedy: How the Death of Vincent Foster Ignited a Political Firestorm. Rivero's participation in this thread was apparently provoked by an earlier defense, posted by Kevin Fornshill, the U.S. Park Police (USPP) officer who discovered Foster's body at Fort Marcy Park. In fact, Rivero's post was a response to Fornshill, who had lauded my work on the Foster case. (To read the first chapter of this book, please click "First Chapters.") . . .More troubling was this brazen misquote caught by sharp-eyed blogger, Damian Penny:
. . . final note: I attempted to post this reply to Rivero's shoddy work at the Free Republic on January 3. However, when I attempted to log on, I discovered that I had been permanently banned from the site, apparently for having the audacity to go there and aggressively defend myself from time to time. (See: The Free Republic must be held accountable.)
After an exchange of e-mails, Jim Robinson, the overlord of the Free Republic, confirmed the banning to me, insisting, "I do not want trouble on the website." However, in an obvious effort to protect his legal position, Robinson then deleted the entire thread on which Rivero's irresponsible statements were made.
Nevertheless, my response stands.
20.5.02Michael Rivero even went so far as to suggest that the infamously inaccurate Ariel Sharon quote was cited by Robert Fisk:
This is long overdue, but CAMERA, a pro-Israel media watchdog, has confirmed that Ariel Sharon's "We, the Jewish people, control America" quote is a hoax.
(I sent this article to Michael Rivero, who repeats the quote 5 or 6 times a day. Let's see if he responds.)
Rivero responds! Wow. Michael Rivero actually responded to an e-mail I sent drawing his attention to the story debunking Ariel Sharon's alleged "We, the Jewish people, control America" quote. He didn't mention that story, though. Instead, he pounced upon my pointing out that the false quote was spread by a group linked to Hamas - which Rivero calls an Israeli front group. Here's the complete text of his message:
The same HAMAS that was set up and funded by Shin Bet to be Arafat's opposition, yeah, I know them.
Oh, touche!
A history lesson: there's a very tiny kernel of truth in Rivero's statement. It seems hard to believe, but at one point the Israelis did funnel money to Hamas as part of a divide-and-conquer strategy. Initially they were more opposed to Arafat than they were to the Israelis, though there seems to have been a thaw in recent years. (Arafat does allow Hamas to run schools and other services within his territory, after all.)
Needless to say, the strategy has come back to haunt the Israelis, time and time again - not unlike America's funding of the anti-Soviet mujahadeen in Afghanistan, some of whom later became the Taliban. It's a gigantic leap, however, to comclude that Hamas - which calls for the complete destruction of Israel and establishment of a strict Islamic state - is secretly a pro-Israel group whose sole mission is to give Ariel Sharon an excuse to kill Palestinians. But then again, if there's one thing we know about Michael Rivero, he has no problem with making gigantic logical leaps
6:39 AM
06/26/02 Robert Fisk: I wonder why Bush doesn't let Sharon run his press office "I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it."-- Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3rd, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.It should come as no surprise that Michael Rivero's deliberately promoted one of the most vindictive 9/11 myths, attributed by various investigators to Al-Manar Television, "A Lebanese TV station that aims to preserve the islamic values and to enhance the civilized role of the Arab and Islamic Community. Al-Manar is the first Arab establishment to stage an effective psychological warfare against the Zionist enemy."
by: Michael RiveroNo retraction or correction has ever been for any of these statements. Perhaps it's due in large perhaps to Michael Rivero's conspiratorial pedigree. Long before whatreallyhappened, Michael Rivero gained national exposure for his part in the TWA Flight 800 controversy. Yet earlier still was he found himself corroborating with a secretive American military group, the Special Forces Underground. Led by Green Beret Steven Barry who claims to have commanded the secretive elite forces group since 1992, he also served as editor of the quarterly newsletter, The Resister. Typical commentary sanctioned a white supremacist agenda; "The United States military was created by white men for white men to defend a white nation. It wasn't designed as a multicultural, diverse, touchy-feely, huggy-snuggly social experiment in race relations. ... Twenty years ago, you could trust a black to do a job. Now it' s questionable."
Before the dust had settled from the collapse of the World Trade Towers, Israel's foreign ministry had expressed concern for the well being of 4000 Israelis known to have worked in or near the World Trade Towers. But almost immediately, stories of such concern vanished from the media amid reports in the foreign press which claimed that Israelis who worked in or near the World Trade Towers were specifically given advanced warnings not to go to work on 9-11. One Israeli owned company, Odigo, had received a two hour advance warning of the attacks.
Israeli supporters were soon flooding the US media with denials of the story. Even when the US media's spiking of the Israeli spy ring/phone tap story proved a clear pro-Israel propaganda bias, the claim that Israelis working in the area of the WTC were preferentially absent on 9-11 was still dismissed as an internet legend.
Now, however, as the final tally of 9-11 victims is being generated, CNN's own website, which lists 9-11 victims by nationality, shows that only one Israeli, Alona Avraham, died in the 9-11 attacks and that Mr. Avraham was not in or near the WTC, but a passenger on one of the hijacked aircraft.
Because of Odigo, it is beyond question warnings were sent to Israeli owned or linked companies in the area of the WTC. Because of the almost complete absence of Israelis among the victims, it is now apparent how widespread that warning had to have been.
Clearly Michael Rivero has called into question his own integrity as a purveyor of truth with suspicious connections and prejudicial innuendo. It stands to reason that Michael Rivero's intentions for whatreallyhappened is not to promote truth but a contrarian political agenda - just as militant, manipulative, and deceitful as its opposition. While no one is suggesting that he US Government is without significant problems worth investigation, what must never be taken for granted is the benevolence of self-proclaimed watchdogs.The Resister Issue 1
The Purported Newsletter of the Special Forces UndergroundThis is the first issue to appear of a newsletter by a group calling itself the "Special Forces Underground". This group, embedded deep within the military structure of the United States, opposes the idea of a New World Order along with transfer of the soldiers to United Nations commanders. This document is as I recieved it, outside of HTML formatting changes.
Volume I, Number 1. Summer 1994.
Boxholder, P.O. Box 1403, Addison, Texas, 75001 (Price) GRATIS . . .
What We Stand For
The philosophy of The RESISTER is straightforward: strict constitutionalism, isolationism, laissez-faire capitalism, individual rights, limited government, and republicanism.
What We Oppose
The RESISTER opposes statism, liberalism, tribalism, socialism, collectivism, internationalism, democracy, altruism, pull politics, and the New World Order. . .
Questions to the Middle-Aged Mutant Ninja Animator: Michael Rivero: rivero@accessone.com
The Resister Issue 2The Purported Newsletter of the Special Forces UndergroundVolume I, Number 2. Autumn 1994. Boxholder, P.O. Box 1403, Addison, Texas, 75001 (Price) GRATIS
For the past two months our observers have been reporting that some readers are questioning the integrity of contributors to The RESISTER because they choose to be known by pseudonyms rather then their real names. This is a legitimate concern and it deserves to be answered at length.
First, no contributor is obliged to use a pseudonym, as anybody who has actually READ the first issue can tell you. Second, the decision to require staff members and regular contributors to use pseudonyms was an OPSEC issue, not an ethical one.
Third, there is a historical precedent we follow which, if not already familiar to you, in all likelihood never will be, and is therefore none of your business. Fourth, publishing The RESISTER is a security risk in its own right, let alone referring to in tradecraft and organization. Really, what DO they teach you guys in the Q-course these days?
The RESISTER is a response to the altruistic cannibalism which is consuming the principle of inalienable individual rights upon which this nation was founded and which have been served-up in sacrifice to the mob god of democracy, the minority god of tribalism, the nature god of environmentalism, the slave god of collectivism, and the statist god of socialism.
Do you want to know who we are? We are the individuals who conceive the ideas the cretinous mob calls "the team effort." We are the individuals whose excellence is subverted by the racist policy of "equal opportunity." We are the independent, innovative, and creative who have been enslaved to serve the "greater good." Without us you would still be prying roots out of ground with a pointed stick.
It would be a great comfort and convenience for the myriad unconstitutional federal agencies to note us, categorize us, and file us away for future "reference." We will not give them an early chance, nor will we be goaded into identifying ourselves by sneering comments about anonymous writers.
Every whim based, undefined, un-judicable law it passes; every unconstitutional gang of armed badge wielding thugs it deploys; every unconstitutional agency it creates; every incomprehensible special interest regulation it mandates; every dime extorted through taxation and redistributed to the incompetent and undeserving; every American life lost in some altruistic war, humanitarian assistance, or peacekeeping operation, demonstrates the illegitimacy of the federal government.
The federal government os not "of the people," it is the instrument of pull-peddlers. It is not "by the people," it is the toady of special interests. It is not "for the people," it is the exercise of force for the sake of force.
Pass laws against us; we will not obey. Regulate our activities; we will not comply. Legislate our behavior; we will not consent.
We are freemen. We will not be subjugated. We have the guns to prove it.
. . . Questions to the Middle-Aged Mutant Ninja Animator: Michael Rivero: rivero@accessone.com
"That's not to say that What Really Happened is the conduit to truth. But what the web site does is let people know that there are ways to find out what is going on if what one is being told by the media does not make sense.So true, Michael, so very, very true.
I think that the nation is in the trouble it is in because people were conditioned to watch a talking head on the TV and believe what that talking head was saying. People need to stop relying on other people to tell them what reality is and rely on their own analytical ability to figure out what is going on"
- Michael Rivero
S. Boyle , December 9, 2002
Comments are full of win and unrestrained in their contempt:
Right Wing Propagandists
by Fight the Right Tuesday December 10, 2002 at 01:05 PMRivero, What Really Happened, Go off, Dandelion, Gordon Thomas are essentially all part of an inbred and incestuous network of Right Wing propagandists and disinformation artists.They included not only the standard Hard Right outlets like Newsmax but also Christian Fascist moupieces like Dandelion.Their political function and agenda in general is to act as a phony opposition or Trojan Horse media specifically targetted towards those people who question the official story. If you study the disinformation put out by these propagandists, you will see a similar pattern in that they question the official story or version of events--only to carefully spin the issue in a way which just so happens to reinforce their own Right Wing agendas and political campaigns.In particular with respect to 9-11, most of the sites have tried to seize upon obvious holes and lies in the official story about 9-11 in order to direct and deflect blame AWAY from the Bush Regime and American State in general towards some foreign bogeyman or patsy.The bottom line is that these pseudo-alternative media outlets set up by the Right Wing have the effect of being classic CIA style psyops operations. They question the official story, only to steer and focus attention away from the more fascistic political factions which support the American military-corporate complex onto a suitable "enemy" foreign or domestic.
This is the most succinct description of the so called "Truth Movement" yet: "Rivero, What Really Happened, Go off, Dandelion,
Gordon Thomas are essentially all part of an inbred and incestuous
network of Right Wing propagandists and disinformation artists."
The article was also published at Quebec IMC:
Portland IMC: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2002/12/37449.shtml
The last IMC collective website brought two apologist trolls out of the woodwork who can't even stay on the same page.
The first admits Whatreallyhappened is full of shit but thinks it's a good aggregator because Google is not his friend:
So What ??!?! 10.Dec.2002 13:05
dueling banjos link
If Rivero has been "dead wrong" and has a sketchy agenda, why can't this faggot get another aggregator?
The other apologist tries to take a scholarly tone but it turns into an off topic non sequiter:
My comment 11.Dec.2002 04:47
Jacob W. link
<According to the IAP press release, the statement was reported on Kol Yisrael. However, CAMERA's calls to Kol Yisrael confirmed that no such broadcast exists>
That fact that now "no such broadcast exists" does not mean the statement was not made. I listen to Yol Yisrael radio almost every night on WRN. The news is always biased with a zionist bent. Almost no coverage of israeli peace groups. The occupied lands are at best "disputed", but more commonly refered to as Judea and Sammaria (sp?).
Anyone who is curious can look up the amount of money that AIPAC gives our Senators and Congressmen. Then follow the money to their votes. I am sure that when they can't be bought, the Mossad has extensive information that can be used against them to secure votes. That is why with record unemployment in Portland, congress votes more money to Israel and fails to extend unemployment benifits at home.
I am not anti-Israel. But I do believe they should be required to follow ALL UN RESOLUTIONS and be required to declare their WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION (nuclear) before we give them anymore US taxpayer money.
The gist of these "real truthers" is, whatever problems WRH might have, ignore them because MOSSAD IS IN UR CONGRESS STEALING VOTZ.
Construction criticism of skunkworks article appears to be offered at Devvy.com, but a closer look at the site shows it's just another brand of Right Wing tin foil lunacy: http://www.devvy.com
Still, the critique might have some information that isn't complete horseshit:
Research on: whatreallyhappened.com Devvy Kidd
January 19, 2003
One my loyal readers sent me some research he did on the above captioned web site.
I receive literally a ton of information via e-mail every day and simply don't have the time or manpower to filter through it all.
I did, however, take the time to go through this research and decided to let you, the reader, make up your mind about this information because Mr. Jackson makes some very valid points.
January 16, 2003
Dear Devvy:
I'm not sure that many are aware, but there seems to be a Trojan among them there Conspiracies. Yes. What's the best way to control the hatching of conspiracies and how they proliferate? You own the market!
There's a website called What Really Happened, and it is supposedly run by a single individual with an interst in promoting "The Truth The Government Hopes You Don't Learn." This site has been one of the fastest growing sites on the Net in the last 2 years.
It has been called a "News" site, it's been called a "Conspiracy" site, and it's been called a conspiracy of conspiracies. This site, as a matter of content, hosts links to 3rd party news stories with a comment or two on each story from the "individual" that runs the site. I've heard it described as "Drudgereport with comments."
Recently, there's been a rash of finger pointing and charachter attacks
between an Internet pen name titled "S. Boyle", the individual that runs the What Really Happened Site, and a site called Bank Index, which is owned and operated by PMC4, LLC.
You can read the initial article by S. Boyle, here:
In this article, S. Boyle comes to a number of conclusions, of which some are verifiable and true while others are completely false. What was immediatly pounced upon by "The Staff @ Bankindex.com", though, was a major leap of logic that could not be substantiated, and was not true. S. Boyle revealed a number of things in his article, but he made the mistake of assuming Dandelion Books was part of PMC4 holdings.
I will clarify a few things:
1) What Really Happens is run by a guy named Michael Rivero.
2) Bank Index is owned by PMC4, LLC.
3) GoOff is owned by PMC4, LLC.
4) Dandelion Books was started in November 2000 by Carol Adler who is the
Here's a solicitation by Alder (Letter with Subject of "Books", 2/3rds down
the page:,+Inc%22&hl=en&ie=UTF-8
5) GoOff.com is the "Bookstore" and Affiliate "Hub" for Dandelion Books.
7) GreatDominion.com Inc. is the founding partner of the PMC4, LLC family.
8) GreatDominion.com Inc. Lists the following projects on it's website:
Internet Service Providers
Genetic Information
Casinos, Gambling and Games
Art Exchange
Banking and Finance
Modeling and Fashions
9) Michael Rivero has done two interviews - One with GoOff - and the other with Bank Index - Both owned by PMC4.
10) Dandelion Books is a subsidiary of Dandelion Enterprises, Inc.
11) Dandelion Enterprises, Inc. also has a self-publishing division, Tiger
Maple Press.
12) Bank Index, some point after 9/11, changed the type of stories it
released in the "Today's Top Headlines" section.
Here it is just after 9/11:
Here is it today:
13) What Really Happened went through a major change after 9/11:
I hope I've made the above relationships clear. One thing that I have not made clear, though, is the relationship between the What Really Happened website and the other parties mentioned. I have no solid proof that the owner of What Really Happened works with or for PMC4 or any of it's holdings, but I can say that they work closely.
1) Sometime in 2002 Bank Index had a "Popup Ad" for the purchase of an album titled: "Isle Of Sanctuary" by Claire Rivero, Michael Rivero's wife.
2) The What Really Happened website links to Bank Index and Go Off articles almost on a daily basis.
3) A number of Mr. Rivero's articles have been posted on Bank Index.
4) Michael Rivero has a new book, titled "Cyber Soldiers And Silicon
Patriots: The New Face Of Political Dissent", published by Dandelion Books:
So, they are (or were) all working together at some point or other. The question is, is there an agenda? Would it be to control the types of conspiracies that are rumored on the 'Net? You be the judge.
S. Boyle has since posted conversation between himself and Bank Index, the outcome of which was supposed to be an apology/retraction of false statements:
In short, all of the sites and companies I have listed do in fact work with each other. GreatDominion.com Inc. seems to be the umbrella company to all of the other companies I've listed, except for Dandelion and What Really Happened. Dandelion just happens to be the publisher of the books written by conspiracy theorists, and What Really Happened seems to drive an awful lot of traffic to those two sites.
An interesting comment made by one reader:
"Rivero, What Really Happened, Go off, Dandelion, Gordon Thomas are essentially all part of an inbred and incestuous network of Right Wing propagandists and disinformation artists."
"They included not only the standard Hard Right outlets like Newsmax but also Christian Fascist moupieces like Dandelion."
"Their political function and agenda in general is to act as a phony
opposition or Trojan Horse media specifically targetted towards those people who question the official story. If you study the disinformation put out by these propagandists, you will see a similar pattern in that they question the official story or version of events--only to carefully spin the issue in a way which just so happens to reinforce their own Right Wing agendas and political campaigns."
"In particular with respect to 9-11, most of the sites have tried to seize upon obvious holes and lies in the official story about 9-11 in order to direct and deflect blame AWAY from the Bush Regime and American State in general towards some foreign bogeyman or patsy."
"The bottom line is that these pseudo-alternative media outlets set up by the Right Wing have the effect of being classic CIA style psyops operations. They question the official story, only to steer and focus attention away from the more fascistic political factions which support the American military-corporate complex onto a suitable "enemy" foreign or domestic."
The "Right Wing" may not have a darned thing to do with it, but still, an intersting insight.
We all know that there are going to be people that question any official story. What better way to control the conspiracies than to setup "fake" alternative news outlets to push "fake" conspiracies? It would quench the thirst of most seeking that second opinion, but at the same time, confuse them while keeping the truth hidden.
Don't get me wrong, some of the links on www.whatreallyhappened.com are very good indeed. Others, though, seem to be opinions, almost forced onto the reader, like the Israli Spy ring, and the daily harping on Israel. All three sites (What Really Happened, Bank Index, and GoOff) all seem to be promoting NO WAR, Government in Debt, Peace Rallies, the Government cannot be trusted, and the coming of a revolution.
Some of these things may be true, but the promoters of the ideas from these sites don't offer solutions, and don't seem to participate in public dissent. They would rather cause dissent from behind thier cushy web sites. They seem to want to promote the mindset that you can only get the truth from reading thier websites and/or articles and/or books. Simply not true.
BTW, Rivero's still promoting that Mr. Tom Kenney was indeed in NY prior to
9/11: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/fematape.html
* * * I highly recommend you order and view Mike Ruppert's excellent video on forces behind the scenes, 9-11, the financial implications and the towers:
The Truth and Lies of 9-11
There is another video on Mike's site I've seen that raises some very interesting questions about 9-11. This video has real interviews with people at the location and news reporters who saw and experienced what the FBI doesn't want you to know:
Mohammed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus
Veteran TV journalist Dan Hopsicker takes his video camera into the lions den to investigate the real history of terrorist flight training in Florida. What he uncovers will leave you stunned.
Related articles:
The FEMA/Tom Kenney conspiracy theory is debunked here:
Apparently a follow up by Skunk was had by email, archived at DC IMC, where Bankindex threatens a Lolsuit:
The other side of the "What Really Happens" story
The detailed concerns of the corporation named in the previously installments of "What Really Happens at whatreallyhappened.com"01/14/2003
As will soon become evident, the following thread of ten email messages is intended to satisfy the agreement between myself and members of BankIndex & PMC4, LLC. Since I could think of no better way to encapsulate their concerns expressed herein, I decided to publish the conversation verbatim (parts of which have already been published by Michael Rivero in the "Reader's Letters" section of whatreallyhappened.com) Only names and email address have been altered for the sake of privacy.
-S. Boyle
[ 1 ]----------------------------------------------------------
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003
From: "S. Boyle"
Subject: Look what I found....
To: Lord Nudimmud, BankIndex, PMC4
CC: Michael Rivero
Michael Rivero tacked up a link to this BankIndex article late today (01/09/03) -- odd, considering that it was published last June and it is not a news item. Stranger still is that the anonymous contributer writes in a very distinctive manner uncannily similar to "Lord Nudimmud," whom BankIndex has also published (to date the only professional credit for Lord N). But what I find most peculiar is why a finacial information site even chose to publish an anonymously authored piece about some vaguely defined mysterious cabal in between articles for credit cards and home mortgages?
Care to comment on BankIndex's connection to "The Secret Covenant," Michael Rivero, and Lord Nudimmud -- and the unusual timing of its appearance on whatreallyhappened.com?
-S. Boyle
THE SECRET COVENANT. Full version, rated R !
THE SECRET COVENANT An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.....
....This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist. It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself. Written by UNKNOWN Author has submitted second version, Posted 6/21/2002
[ 2 ]----------------------------------------------------------
Bankindex Staff wrote:
Dear S. Boyle;
We would love to reply. Before we do, would you be kind enough to provide us with your real name. We are assuming �S. Boyle� is your pen name. Also, we would like to know your title and position at IndyMedia, your telephone number and the name and telephone number of the Chief Editor at IndyMedia.
Several articles you have written mentioning Bankindex.com, its managing partners and its associates contain totally erroneous information. You imply the wrong things about the organization its objectives and its affiliations.
You should know that your articles have been brought to the attention of our staff and our attorneys who are currently reviewing them for proper action. We are mystified by your motivations and wonder why you are setting up yourself and IndyMedia for a lawsuit.
We also fail to understand why a respectable organization like IndyMedia would allow its editorial staff to publish your bellicose, slanted and malicious disinformation.
The Bankindex Staff
CC/General Counsel
[ 3 ]----------------------------------------------------------
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003
From: "S. Boyle"
Subject: Re: Look what I found....
To: BankIndex
I do not necessarily work as a volunteer at Indymedia, but I do us its open publishing format.
I would be most interested to hear what parts of my articles you found troublesome as I honestly reported what I uncovered - in fact I believe I got most of my information regarding your corporation from your own web sites. Please be aware that no malice was intended other than to show the connections between Michael Rivero, WRH and PMC4 - in fact I believe my adherence to factual matters has been more rigorous then the person I'm reporting about
S. Boyle
[ 4 ]----------------------------------------------------------
Bankindex Staff wrote:
Dear S. Boyle
Obviously you do not wish to come forward. We can get your information by contacting IndyMedia directly, that's not a problem.
We wish to make one thing clear. You will not smear Bankindex.com, its Managing Partners or affiliates and get away with it.
Your "disinformation" essays imply links to "underground" movements and "militants" and we strongly resent that. You also stated Carol Adler's relationship to PMC4, LLC incorrectly, and PMC4, LLC does not own Dandelion.
We are a serious organization whose purpose is to MAKE MONEY! We work above the surface with pride and respect and our company is owned by some of the biggest names in the business.
If any of the essays you have written were to cause any harm to our company or harm the reputation of its Managing Partners you will be liable and we are going to go after YOU and IndyMedia!
As things are now, you are in extremely dangerous waters with the disinformation you have published.
I recommend a full retraction or the complete deletion of what you have written thus far.
The Bankindex Staff
CC/General Counsel
[ 5 ]----------------------------------------------------------
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003
From: "S. Boyle"
Subject: Re: Look what I found....
To: BankIndex
I am unable to remove any of the material that offends you because I do not have access to the servers on which they are stored. I suggest that you contact the webmasters directly and report you concerns and your demand for removal.
As for publishing a retraction, I do not believe that is necessary. As I will explain, the conclusion that PMC4 is the parent company of the various coroporate divisions is quite understandable, in fact irrefutable:
"GoOff! is backed by Dandelion Books, LLC
(www.dandelionbooks.net), who happens to be the publisher of Michael Rivero's soon to be released hard-back, Cyber Soldiers And Silicon Patriots: The New Face Of Political Dissent (ISBN189330230X - $18.95). GoOff! purports to tell the "...truth uncensored" - conveniently packaged as Dandelion books, advertised on-site, and available for purchase or redistribution through their affiliate program. Overseeing the entire operation is a corporate entity named PMC4, LLC."
1. Dandelion Books makes the following claim on their website:
You will find all Dandelion Books for sale at www.GoOff.com our bookstore website.
2. GoOff! lists their address as
20500 W. Country Club Drive
Suite # 814
Aventura, Florida 33180
3. PMC4 lists their address as
20500 W. Country Club Dr.
Suite 814
Aventura, Florida 33280
How can any reasonable person not come to the conclusion that Dandelion Books, GoOff! and PMC4 are not part of the same corporate entity?
As for BankIndex, this is what I wrote:
"The BankIndex interview: - www.bankindex.com/wrh/
The three-part interview conducted by J. Conti (who also writes for GoOff.com) is displayed between advertisements for loans, foreclosure notices, debt consolidations, and credit cards offers endorsed by BankIndex. The financial services site also "provides a global platform upon which the Financial Businesses of the world can showcase their product lines and services" and "for select Financial Institutions we offer a highly competitive fee structure to be included in our different promotional plans 'Showcase' arena." (www.bankindex.com/company/aboutus.asp) It just so happens that BankIndex is a division of PMC4, LLC"
I would direct you to your own website wherein the following claim is made:
"BankIndex.com� is a division of the PMC4, LLC family.
The PMC4, LLC Corporate Office is located in Aventura Florida."
20500 W. Country Club Drive
Suite # 814, Aventura
Florida, 33180
Finally, I made no claim or suggestion of a connection between Green Beret Steven Barry and BankIndex or any other company in the PMC4 corporation.
S. Boyle
[ 6 ]----------------------------------------------------------
Bankindex Staff wrote:
S. Boyle,
We are not amateur thinkers. You have been going out of your way for a while now to imply that WRH has underground connections to "militant" groups....a claim that is completely frivolous as well as COMPLETELY GROUNDLESS. You further try to imply that Mr. Rivero works for us or that somehow we finance his operation. And that is exactly the point you are trying to make in your malicious disinformation pieces! By implication you are trying to say that we are part of the same alleged movement! You did not address such claims in your last reply, did you?
We are currently contacting the head of IndyMedia and the matter is being referred to the most prominent Law Firm in Miami.
Your irresponsible comments, poorly done research and maliciousness is going to land you and in a courtroom (without a doubt). And when your real name surfaces, and it will very soon, everyone is going to know who you are and what you have been doing. EVERYONE! Rest assured!
You see, we have nothing to hide. We are a legitimate business operation, but YOU are not!
Again, we strongly suggest that you find a way to remove your publications from the web and that you stop this nonsense. An apology is also in order.
The Staff @ Bankindex
[ 7 ]----------------------------------------------------------
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003
From: "S. Boyle"
Subject: Re: Look what I found....
To: BankIndex
I believe to made myself quite clear that the importance of the PMC4 connection is the hypocritical anti-corporate stance of WRH and Michael Rivero. Clearly the significance of the Rivero interviews by both BankIndex and GoOff are not coincidental or trivial. Why would these two particular for-profit websites have an interest in Michael Rivero?
The obvious conclusion is that it must in some way generate income for the PMC4 websites, leading to the natural speculation of a business deal. And as you know, business deals do not constitute a complete or even partial agreement of philosophical viewpoints between the parties involved, only a financial transaction.
In no way do I suggest or imply that PMC4 funds or supports the Special Forces Underground. In fact, since this matter transpired in the early 1990s (as I had correctly reported) before the founding of WRH or PMC4 such a connection is impossible to make. I dare say that trying prove that I even intended for such a conclusion from what I specifically wrote will be a fruitless task.
What I did suggest is that Michael Rivero's posting of the militia's newsletters and his willingness to answer questions about them indicates on his part a sympathy for the movement and some, if not all, of its objectives. This idea is further reinforced by messages Michael Rivero posted on the Usenet many years ago advocating the purchase of T-shirts from the Arizona militia to provide the group financial support.
Regarding the apology, Michael Rivero published this comment on WRH today (1/11/03); "Mr. Boyle is reported to have tried to apologize in private to get out of the mess." Since I did not contact Michael Rivero after the initial inquiry, I can only assume that you provided this information to Michael. Therefore, since you have already made the claim that I have made an apology, then by your own admission I have fulfilled this requirement for you.
The allegations you have made against me don't seem to be supported by the printed word. I have patiently explained the errors in your arguments to which you have made no comment. I would suggest that you to draft whatever statement you wish for me to make because I do not honestly understand your specific injury other than to have the corporate names and connections made public -- and as a public company that's hardly injurious. The fact of the matter is that you, BankIndex, nor PMC4 have ever made it clear on your websites what your coroporate structure is and who is involved.
I would also like to point out that I am not a business operation and have never received compensation (money, property, etc.) for any of the articles I have written.
Now, do I you correctly in saying that you (BankIndex) will represent WRH and Michael Rivero in a lawsuit against me? How do plan to do that if there is in fact no connection between BankIndex, a member of the PMC4 family, and Michael Rivero and What Really Happened?
-S. Boyle
[ 8 ]----------------------------------------------------------
Bankindex Staff wrote:
S. Boyle
We will be straight forward with you so there are no misunderstandings.
You have correctly identified that we are business minded. The interest in WRH stems from the fact that Mr. Rivero operates one of the most visited news sites in the WORLD! Let us repeat that again, ONE OF THE MOST VISITED NEWS SITES IN THE WORLD!
That makes him very, VERY appealing!
Now, for any deal to take place, an underlying corporate structure is necessary, you agree? Yes, good!
So, when you say this: "business deals do not constitute a complete or even partial agreement of philosophical viewpoints between the parties involved, only a financial transaction." You are correct!
But when you state:
"I believe to made myself quite clear that the importance of the PMC4 connection is the hypocritical anti-corporate stance of WRH and Michael Rivero." You are incorrect! Here's where your reasoning fails you. We doubt that Mr. Rivero is anti-corporate (too broad a term to have used) in the sense you mean it. The gentleman even owns his own corporation!
Moreover, it is not for us to decide what Mr.Rivero means, nor it is for you to do so. From the Bankindex.com viewpoint, we are delighted to be able to interview Mr. Rivero and to have some of our links posted to his site (I am sure even CNN is). You see, the traffic that is derived from just one link on his site is enough to bring down most servers! In addition, did you ever think that perhaps no one else had the guts to do an interview with him? Why must you pursue the sinister angle? If Mr. Rivero�s site were without merit, the staggering statistics from visitors from all corners of the world would simply not exist!
There is no hypocrisy in anything we have done, and above all no tie or connection to any type of group or groups-nor will there be, ever!
When Mr. Rivero�s book is published, we will be glad to carry it in GoOFF.com. That is what GoOFF.com is, a venue built and meant to CAPITALIZE on the UNEXPLOITED CURRENT MARKET CONDITIONS. I don�t suppose you are going to start writing about all the authors we are going to be publishing, are you?
The millions of people who visit WhatReallyHappened.com regularly will appreciate Mr. Rivero�s book. They are his fans and they love him.
Our goal is to tap into the fantastically ENORMOUS market the Mainstream has created by virtue of how they do things. There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with pursuing that angle. Our concept is as American as grandma's apple pie.
In closing, we respectfully ask that the very least, you correct your prior publications to show our point of view and to include your own statements clarifying what you meant.
Ideally, it would be much better if you stopped this nonsense and removed the entire piece, which we have been told, is possible.
Also, since you seem to have a great deal to say and to write about. You should consider sending in a manuscript to Dandelion Publications. Perhaps we can publish your book at GoOFF.com!
The Bankindex Staff
CC/ Partners and Managers
General Counsel PMC4, LLC
Law Offices of xxxxx and xxxxx
[ 9 ]----------------------------------------------------------
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003
From: "S. Boyle"
Subject: Re: Look what I found....
To: BankIndex
I think your request sounds reasonable enough -- expect a message detailing your concerns and point of view within the week.
-S. Boyle
[ 10 ]----------------------------------------------------------
Much appreciated!
The Staff @ Bankindex
Veterans of Project Chanology will recognize Bankindex's mishmash of contradiction, threats, innuendo and gratuitous use of caps lock as not only unprofessional, but all the marks of an org with something to hide trying to intimidate someone who is exposing it. Lulz are certain to ensue.
Interesting one right-wing troll from Portland IMC was samefagging at DC:
And another by "Marsha", possibly uber right to life troll, Marsha McCleland:
A priceless foot bullet quote by Bankindex: "You have correctly identified that we are business minded."
Rivero isn't in it for the "truth". He's in it for M-O-N-E-Y.
That is all.
Interesting one right-wing troll from Portland IMC was samefagging at DC:
interesting . . .
so what?
for me, Rivero is my Internet Search Bee-yatch--
nothing more.
a lot of the stuff on his site I have no use for whatsoever: the anti-'gun grabber' stuff, libertarianesque diatribe, etc.
and I don't frequent internet sites for the "political opinions" expressed--I JUST WANT THE USEFUL INFO. I certainly won't be buying--or even reading--his new 'book', either.
all that matters to me about What Really Happened is a whole bunch of up-to-date European and other not-suppressed-by-USCorporateMedia news stories.
Rivero reels in quite a lot of up-to-date and breaking stuff, daily--and I DIDN'T HAVE TO SEARCH THEM MYSELF.
millions of hits per month--and his home page STILL doesn't have pop-up ads.
Mr. S. Boyle..... Are you in danger of becoming a good man?
A priceless foot bullet quote by Bankindex: "You have correctly identified that we are business minded."
Rivero isn't in it for the "truth". He's in it for M-O-N-E-Y.
That is all.
More info about WRH and related domains:
Whois Server: whois.directnic.com
Referral URL: directnic.com
Status: ok
Updated Date: 27-nov-2006
Creation Date: 11-oct-1999
Expiration Date: 11-oct-2009
>>> Last update of whois database: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 04:04:06 UTC <<<
P.O. Box 534
Concord, NH 03302-0534
(603) 513-1818
Administrative Contact:
Rivero, Matt domains@whatreallyhappened.com
P.O. Box 534
Concord, NH 03302-0534
(603) 513-1818
Technical Contact:
Rivero, Matt domains@whatreallyhappened.com
P.O. Box 534
Concord, NH 03302-0534
(603) 513-1818
Record last updated 11-27-2006 10:30:03 AM
Record expires on 10-11-2009
Record created on 10-11-1999
Domain servers in listed order:
Current Whois:
Michael Rivero
98-871 C Kaonohi St.
Aiea, HI 96701
Administrative Contact:
Rivero, Michael rivero@hbentertain.com
98-871 C Kaonohi St.
Aiea, HI 96701
Technical Contact:
Rivero, Michael rivero@hbentertain.com
98-871 C Kaonohi St.
Aiea, HI 96701
Record last updated 05-20-2011 01:23:32 PM
Record expires on 10-11-2013
Record created on 10-11-1999
Domain servers in listed order:
Screen of website in March 2001:
Home Baked Entertainment
98-871 C Kaonohi St.
Aiea, HI 96701
Administrative Contact:
Rivero, Michael rivero@hbentertain.com
98-871 C Kaonohi St.
Aiea, HI 96701
Technical Contact:
Rivero, Michael rivero@hbentertain.com
98-871 C Kaonohi St.
Aiea, HI 96701
Record last updated 10-26-2011 10:46:05 AM
Record expires on 06-30-2013
Record created on 06-30-2003
Domain servers in listed order:
From wayback:
Note motto near bottom: What Really Happened is a Republicans On Line web page.
This partisan branding would later be dropped in the "truth" movement to try to lurk progessive leftists in.
After the September 11th attacks, of course, 911 was king of topics: